Our Services

Content Assets

For Premium Members

Business Key creates effective content assets that helps improve brand awareness
and increase page traffic.

An Inside of The Content Assets We Create

A good content asset is a powerful driver in increasing customer engagement and lead generation. It also provides stable indexing for search engines and is an excellent material for potential customers to develop trust in your brand.

“About Us” Business Description

A summary of your business and details of the products and services you offer displayed on your Business Page. We optimise and embed keywords in the content to make your Business Page rank on top of the search results, while building trust and confidence in your business. You can also hyperlink a keyword or phrase to a landing page on your website, which further increases your backlinks and authority score.

Search-Engine friendly content.
Improves your online visibility.
Increases the organic traffic on your business page.


Business Feature Blogs

A blog is a piece of content published on our website that provides valuable and engaging information about your business other than the products and services you offer. The content is embedded with specially targeted keywords relevant to your business to make you rank higher on Google. Your Business Page is also hyperlinked to your blog so users can easily view more details about your business in just one click. New blogs are posted weekly and are housed under the “Blog” tab on the menu.

Search-Engine friendly content.
Timeless on-site copy.
Improves brand reputation.

Social Media Caption

A short and compelling description of what products and services your business offers with a call-to-action (CTA) that prompts customers to click. The CTA comes in the form of a link that redirects customers to your Business Page where they can read more about your business. New posts are published regularly on our Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn page to promote and spread information about your business.

Improves brand awareness.
Increases loyal following on social media.
Helps in building a relationship with customers.

Meta Title & Description

These are snippets of text embedded with keywords which describe the content of your Business Page. They don’t appear on the page itself but only in the web page’s code. Search engines like Google, index these tags which then appear on the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs).

Unique and quality descriptions.
Increases organic search traffic.
Greatly helps in ranking you on Google.

Promotional Feature

A short and unique introduction of your business capabilities, giving potential customers a good first impression of your business even before they reach your Business Page. This piece of content gets customers to stick around and become familiar with your brand, which develops confidence and leads to a greater probability of them converting. We also create a different promotional feature for each of your chosen categories that links to your Business Page.

Increases user engagement.
Attracts customers with quality content.
Builds confidence & trust in your brand.

Promotional Benefits Checklist

A ‘benefit checklist’ is a list of benefits that showcases your business’s unique selling points. It focuses on your business’s strengths and advantages, putting you in a more favourable position as it’s a great contributing factor in helping potential customers in decision making.

Relatively short.
Valuable & interesting information.
Easy to digest content.

Personalised Content Assets Benefits & Inclusions


Experience first-hand what effective and personalised content assets can bring to the table!




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What are content assets?

Content assets are content that allows you to connect with customers on a personal level. At Business Key, we are focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain customers. It’s a good long-term investment and is a valuable asset that drives traffic to your Business Page and increases your online visibility and credibility.

Why do I need content assets for my business listing?

Content assets allows customers to find you. Customers discover your business through all useful content they can find online. That’s why we produce search-engine optimised content incorporated with targeted keywords or phrases that answers your customers’ questions and solves their pain-points. With quality content, your Business Page ranks higher on search engines, gives more traffic and drives customers to take action.

What results can I expect from personalised content assets?

There are many benefits from having personalised content assets for your business. With great content, your customers will stay on your Business Page longer and customers will become more familiar with your brand. By having the right content in place for the audience you want to reach out to, you attract more visitors through organic search and get more direct traffic because you build up a brand.

When will I see the results of my content assets?

It is definitely not a quick-fix solution or an immediate-results strategy. But with patience and consistency, it will grow and produce valuable, lasting results over time. We also constantly optimise your content assets, and improve your rank on search engines to create lead generation and conversion opportunities for your business.